Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Memories A Favorite Memory - 880 Words

An individual’s childhood memory has impacted them in some way whether it be emotionally or physically. From one memory to another, good or bad, develops the entity of a person’s personality or logic. I considered one of my worst memories a favorite memory because, from that experience, I gained development as an individual. The start of that development occurred on vacation without my parents attending. Like any other child, I became very enthusiastic of the whole idea of freedom and self-guidance. After the majority of the trip, I became uninterested with self-guidance and I wanted to rely on the adults to plan fun-filled activities. I was very disappointed with the fact that their lack of authority and action lead to an uneventful vacation. I began to miss my parents’ guidance because with every request or action they took it was in all the best interest of me. Whether it was to hold my hand across the road or watch the things I eat, all of it was inte nded for my growth and safety. It was then that I realized how much my parents really cared for me and it made me grow to respect their wishes even more. Concisely what began as a getaway from my parents resulted in a realization of how much I should appreciate and respect them. Getaway Gone Wrong The Realization of Parents’ Love It is evident that youthful memories are not coincidental: social gatherings, sports games, school outings, and perhaps a special occasion impacts the personality of aShow MoreRelatedMy Favorite Memories As A Kid1180 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood memory One of my favorite memories as a kid was the time me my sister and the twin neighbors decided that today was a good day to swim. It was probably late april or early may, the pool had been sitting out since last summer and the water had turned green. 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